Things You Didn't Know About Waterproofing


Waterproofing is often called the "foundation" of a building. It is the first line of defence against water leaks and penetrations. Waterproofing means different things in different contexts, but at its core it just means keeping water out of places where it doesn't belong.

Waterproofing is an important and useful part of any home or building project. Waterproofing is the combined components and techniques used to keep water from infiltrating a building’s foundation, walls, and roof. Waterproofing protects a building from absorbing moisture that could potentially cause it to weaken and/or rot.

Maintaining watertight seals in buildings is no small task, especially in the areas of HVACs, crawl spaces, and basements, but it’s an extremely important component when it comes to the quality of the building both initially and over time. When you install waterproofing under a building, you’ll be safeguarding your investment.

How waterproof are you? It’s a question that is not often asked when it comes to residential buildings, but when they are, most assume that it is merely a matter of installing some flashing at the roofline. But building in wet climates requires more than the occasional attention to the roofline.

Waterproofing is a key component of cementitious building materials such as concrete.  Waterproofing helps to prevent water infiltration and, as a result, the degradation of a building’s structure and its services.

Waterproofing is often implemented by creating materials barriers, coating surfaces with impermeable products, creating drainage systems and employing chemical barriers to hold back moisture. All of these tactics can be effective at keeping water where it belongs (outside the building, that is) but they can’t guarantee that a house will never get wet.

Waterproofing is a system designed to keep houses, buildings and other structures from being damaged by water due to rain or water seepage from the ground. It can be a bit tricky to understand all the parts that make up a waterproofing system and how they work together.


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